Criteria for Selection of Projects (Montserrat) 

Criteria for Selection for Funding (In General)

Criteria for Charitable Organisations & Community Groups

Due Diligence Requirements for Applicant Organisations/ Groups

Criteria for Selection of Montserrat Regeneration Projects 

1.  a) Creates a business for unemployed person(s); or

     b) Expands an existing business to give employment or training to unemployed person(s); or

     c)  Provides support to the elderly, young people, unemployed or persons in financial hardship; or

     d)  Creates facilities, or provides support, in relation to any of recreation, education, training,                     workspace & business advice; or

     e)  Creates, improves, maintains or provides public amenities.

2. a)  Project or service will benefit the public in general;

    b)  Project or service will benefit the economy.

3.  The level of support or funding, and therefore the amount of upfront benefit to any one           individual or business is limited to the MINIMUM needed to make the project work effectively.

4. a)  Person(s) resident in Montserrat;

    b)  Business(es) based in Montserrat;

5. a)  Resources that already exist; 

     b)  Resources that are needed.

6. a)  Skills that already exist;

     b)  Skills needed.

7. a)  Storage, transport and other logistics facilities that already exist;

    b)  Storage, transport and other logistics facilities needed.

8. a)  Person(s) is/are reliable;

     b)  Business(es) is/are reliable.

9. Business Plan*

    a.  Details of products and/or service

    b.  Details of experience

    c.  What investment/input will be made by the business owner

    d.  What investment/input will be made by the business partner(s)

    e.  How will the products and/or service be delivered

    f.  What are the plans for the short-term

    g.  What are the plans for growing the business for the long term

    h.  How is the business different from existing ones in Montserrat

    i.  Type and number of employees needed

    j.  Expected costs of set up and timescales

    k.  Expected costs of running the business

    l.  Expected turnover

    m.  Any Government resources, grants, incentives, assistance available

    n.  Will the business become self sufficient with a single grant of funds

    o.  Business case for a grant or a loan

                    * The extent of information required from individual projects will need to be considered on a                           case by case basis, in order to ensure that the level of administrative burden in applying                                for assistance or funding is relative to the simplicity and cost of the project.

10. Plans for Exports and/or Tourist Industry and/or Regeneration and/or Using Geothermal Energy.

11. Project has a Sponsor, Mentor or Adviser.

12. Declaration of connection with Trustees or the Charity.

Criteria for Selection for Funding & Support (In General)

For applications to be considered for funding or support, the following criteria would need to be met:

1.   The cause addressed by the application must fall within the Objects of Montserrat Patrons Society.


2.   There is funding available for the project/support category as per information set out on our Available Funds page. 

Criteria for Selection of Charitable Organisations & Community Groups for Funding, Support or Cooperation

To be eligible to apply for a grant, your charity, community group or voluntary organisation must be:

  • Improving the lives of disadvantaged people who are:
    • resident in Montserrat; 


  • Working to advance the Objects of the Montserrat Patrons Society in relation to the Regeneration of Montserrat;


  • Working to advance the Objects of the Montserrat Patrons Society in relation to localities in the UK which MPS covers (specifically Birmingham City, Lancashire, Leeds City, Leicester City, London, Manchester City, Northamptonshire); 


  • Able to fit the following criteria:

1.   Be a not-for-profit, voluntary or community group, social enterprise/CIC or registered charity

2.   Have a Governing Document (Constitution/Set of Rules)

3.   Have a Management Committee/Board of Trustees

4.   Have a bank account in the name of the group, with a minimum of two unrelated cheque signatories

5.   Be able to provide up-to-date accounts

6.   Have returned evaluation forms for any previously received grants

7.   Have safeguarding and equality policies which comply with current legislation in England & Wales

8.   Be helping the disadvantaged or advancing an Object of the Montserrat Patrons Society and be providing a benefit to the local community with clear and achievable outcomes

9.   Provide evidence there is a need for your work and must not be duplicating the work of other groups and organisations

10.   Have an itemised budget 

Due Diligence Requirements for Charitable Organisations & Community Groups

Montserrat Patrons Society will carry out due diligence checks on all applications to determine if they are genuine organisations with a charitable remit, and to assess the risk attached to funding each organisation. Therefore, supporting documentation must be supplied with your application, as follow:

Supporting Documents:

 A copy of your most recent annual accounts.
 Latest bank statement in your organisation’s name. 
 A copy of your governing document.
 Copies of your safeguarding and equality policies.

What Montserrat Patrons Society (MPS) will be assessing:

MPS will make the following best practice checks on your organisation by reviewing your supporting documents. If you are not able to comply, please submit a word document with an explanation as to why this is or when you will be able to submit the required documentation.


Reserves are reasonable given the size of the organisation and that these are in line with any reserves policy you hold, we would usually expect between 3-6 months running costs if your organisation has significant reserves please explain why these reserves cannot be used to cover the cost of the activity.

Income and expenditure are properly explained, MPS will note whether there are significant differences in expenditure from one year to another and whether your organisation could pay all creditors from the bank balance.

Restricted funds are not in deficit and if they are, these are explained.

Auditor’s organisational/financial review does not highlight any significant concerns.

Funding sources are diverse and that your organisation is not dependant on a particular funding stream.

Bank Statement:

In organisation's name.
A bank account has at least two unrelated signatories.

Governing Documents:

Legal framework is applicable to aims and activities.
Proposed activities fall within the group’s charitable objectives.
Constitution contains a dissolution clause which stipulates that all assets, subject to debts being paid, will be awarded to a similar group with charitable aims in the event of winding up/dissolution

Safeguarding Policy:

Definitions of abuse, signs of abuse and a description of how abuse is different for adults (if working with both children and vulnerable adults).
Procedure for reporting safeguarding concerns.
The name or job title of the person responsible for child protection.
The name of the local safeguarding board.
All staff, volunteers and Trustees who are working directly with vulnerable adults and/or children should have the appropriate DBS checks and there is a procedure for handling cases of disclosure revealed by DBS checks.
All staff, volunteers and trustees who work indirectly with vulnerable adults and/or children receive safeguarding training.
Risk assessments are carried out to ensure vulnerable adults and/or children in your care are safe. Frequency at which the policy is reviewed, suggest annually.

Equality & Diversity Policy:

References Equality Act 2010.
Policy should cover age, being married or in a civil partnership, being pregnant or having a child, disability, race, religion/belief or lack of, gender, sexual orientation, being or becoming a transsexual person.
Equal access to services and employment.
Preventing harassment and ensuring everyone is treated equally.
Complaints are dealt with fairly.

Additional Checks:

MPS will make additional checks as deemed appropriate using publicly available resources such as on the Charity Commission website; and also with local government organisations in Montserrat in relation to projects for or funding to the island.

Montserrat Patrons Society is a Foundation CIO regulated by the Charity Commission of England & Wales, with registered charity number 1194487, at 367 Caledonian Road, London N7 9DQ, United Kingdom.
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